27 Jan Finding the Time to Practise What you Love!
Finding the Time to Practise What you Love!
A man asks a taxi driver “How do you get to the Albert Hall?” He replies, “Practise mate, practise.”
I suppose the biggest fear I have about finding the time to practise my own music and singing is that I don’t have enough time, money and energy for it.
Does this ring true for any of you? Are you so busy paying the bills, looking after the children, your mother, the business, your work etc. that there doesn’t seem to be the time and money to do something you enjoy like SING.
Do you sometimes get a panicky feeling when you make time to do something that you really love like singing and music? I can relate and this is my take on it.
When I do make the time to sing and play (piano in my case) everything in my life goes better. I feel inspired and optimistic and great ideas and opportunities come to me to sing, perform, record and play music in ways I never would have thought possible.
I am also happier and more at peace with myself and people around me and better things happen to me in my life.
It is always the same, after years and years of being a professional singer and musician I must make the effort first and then I get rewarded tenfold in the pleasure it gives me.
I have to show up, I have to get support from doing a course or going to an expert for advice or classes (and yes, I still take lessons myself), and then I have to practise my instrument by doing exercises, song-writing, repertoire building, classes, training etc.
If you need any help or one-to-one consulting or coaching don’t hesitate to contact me!
Remember practise what you preach and like they say practise make perfect.
Best Wishes,
Lorrayn De Peyer
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